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Chris Edwards Restoration
 Chris Edwards Restoration  Chris Edwards Restoration
Just A regular person, Engineer by trade. Former Commodore Amiga Technical Services (CATS) Repair tech in the 90's , I offer tips and how to's. Car, house fixes ,video games, Commodore Amiga, vintage and newer Apple and PC stuff, Cooking, I do this for fun, education, entertainment, and as a hobby in my pajamas.Theoretical PHD in Amiga! Please consider supporting my adventures through paypal tips, patreon, super thanks in the videos, or simply a subscribe or a like. I thank you all for the support! 100% all the donations to me and my channel are turned right back around to help fund "freepairs" and things to help others.
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Chris Edwards Restoration
Engineer by trade. Former Commodore Amiga Technical Services (CATS) Repair tech in the 90's
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