French museum of computing
We have over 4000 Machines ranging from punch cards to super computing.
In addition to all the computer that everyone know and loves :
- IBM 1130, IBM 5110, PC
- DEC PDPs (including the very rare PDP-9)
- Apple (II, III, Lisa, Mac 128k)
- NextCube, NextWorkstation
- Atari (ST, ATW800)
- Commodore (64,128, VIC, PET, KIM)
And so on.
We also have unique examples of little known French made computers, such as :
- Bull Gamma 3
- Mitra
- Télémécanique T1600
- Micral S (little brother of the Micral N, the very first personal computer)
We are located in the city of Grenoble which as a place in the French history of computing.
Historically IBM, HP and BULL had R&D center there.
The city held the winter olympics in 1968 and saw the use of computers to produce the competitor results.
Today we have STmicroelectronics, 1st european semiconductor company.
CEA (Atomic Energy Comitee), R&D center working on cutting edge technology (quantum computing, etc...), and others.