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 Computer Conservation Society  Computer Conservation Society
The CCS is a co-operative venture between the British Computer Society, the Science Museum of London, the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester, the National Museum of Computing and the Bletchley Park Trust.
The CCS was constituted in September 1989 as a Specialist Group of the BCS. It is thus covered by the Royal Charter and the charitable status of the BCS.

The objects of the Computer Conservation Society (“Society”) are:

To promote the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of historic computing systems and to identify existing computing systems which may need to be archived in the future;
To develop awareness of the importance of historic computing systems;
To develop expertise in the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of historic computing systems;
To represent the interests of the Society with other bodies;
To promote the study of historic computing systems, their use and the history of the computer industry;
To publish information of relevance to these objectives for the information of Society members and the wider public.
There are a number of active Projects on specific computer restorations and early computer technologies and software. We encourage younger people to take part in order to achieve skills transfer. Our guidelines for our projects are published here.
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